Kidrobot are at the Museum Store Association convention and just fully revealed all 14 3" Andy Warhol Dunnys. (Only the line art of all 14 had previously been seen.) However, something else in...
15 April 2016
26 March 2013
Last fall's Inaugural Street Art Auction was so successful that Doyle New York has decided to hold another... |
03 July 2012
23 March 2012
There's a few rumors about that Shepard Fairey has helped convince Hollywood to make another 1984 movie. Who knows whether this is true but it is reported that Image Entertainment and... |
19 March 2012
Shepard Fairey and Jamie Reid recently teamed up and created 2 separate collab screen... |
07 February 2012
Loving these upcoming releases from Obey and Incase, the official lingo says its a collaboration with Shep Fairey himself but i kinda find it hard to believe he gets his hands dirty with actual... |
09 September 2009
12 June 2008
I do love me a bit of Eric Blair (aka George Orwell) to the extent I did my A Level English thesis on political imagery and learnings from his books. Yes thank you, I am a nerd! I also got... |
26 January 2016
Street artists unite! Tristan Eaton, the daddy of the Dunny, has just launched his Kickstarter project five years in the making. He, along with the world's top street artists, are planning on... |
10 September 2012
Artist Shepard Fairey's court troubles with the Associated Press... |
13 June 2012
We have some preview images for this year's ... |
21 March 2012
On Behalf of curator DB Burkeman, 323Gallery is inviting you to join them for their upcoming exhibition "Stuck Up" From Punk Rock to Contemporary Art. Burkeman will be signing books and talking... |
16 February 2012
Shepard Fairey, Ron English, Kenny Scharf and Robbie Conal guest star on an upcoming episode of the Simpsons - Exit through the Kwik-E-Mart! Broadcast is on March 4th. ... |
17 September 2009
... |
22 April 2009
31 July 2007
Long story here, but basically Alan - Maridueña - has been charged with a dozen felony's all relating to grafitti in NYC. If foudn guilty he could face up to 10 years in prison....for some art!... |
21 January 2016
Obey-wearing HGTV junkies are going to flip when they learn Shepard Fairey's Los Feliz home is on the market. Creating an art and clothing empire apparently can net you a 4-bed, 3.5-bath... |
06 September 2012
Shepard Fairy and Neil Young are releasing 'The Americana Box Set'... |
20 April 2012
A RISD student has made â for his senior thesis â a film about Shepard Fairey's time at the art school, which is where... |
20 March 2012
To celebrate the launch of CS Editions new Shepard Fairey Collaboration, CS Editions will be giving away 5 Autographed... |
16 February 2012
3 smart new cans by Obey in the Montana artist collection series. Limited to 500 per color the MTN cans really went up a level when they moved from the printed label designs to them being printed... |
16 September 2009