09 November 2016

The ninth installment of Medicom's Vinyl Artist Gacha series is getting contributions from both Shoko Nakazawa and Konatsu! A gachapon-sized Daioh Negora will come in various fur coats while Baby...

23 September 2016

Well, I now have $45 fewer dollars in my bank account. myplasticheart...

22 August 2016

OK, I need all five of these. The flagship entry of Medicom's VAG (Vinyl Artist Gacha) Series 8 is an air brushed version of Shoko Nakazawa's adorable Baby Byron! Gold, blue, green, pink, and...

04 August 2016

Angel Abby in Hong Kong are hosting the Soft Vinyl Festival this weekend, and Koraters and T9G aren't skipping out. Their entry into the show features one of the nicest colorways of their Byron...

Vinyl Artist Gacha Series 7
10 June 2016

We at Clutter love the V.A.G. Putting vinyl toys into gachapon machines is pure genius. We just wish that they were more easily available over here. Hopefully shops get some of these in stock...

Koraters Byron
26 April 2016

Those colors, though! Shoko Nakazawa is brining a batch of pastel Byrons to the Thailand Toy Expo. These guys feature pastel and metallic sprays on the opaque sofubi and transparent sprays on the...

Rangeron & Byron
07 March 2016

If you've been holding off for an awesome colorway of T9G's and Shoko Nakazawa's Rangeron and Byron toys, you might want to set your clocks to Hong Kong time....

Medicom's VAG Series 5
14 December 2015

Get your mind out of the gutter. V.A.G. stands for Vinyl Artist Gachapon. Packaging vinyl designs into capsule toy sizes, Japanese collectors can drop a few ¥100 coins into the machine and turn...

09 November 2016

A questionable choice was made overnight. Lots of people aren't feeling too great. Here are some hand-picked toys that are so cute they're sure to perk you up, even for just a minute.


09 September 2016

Yup, just put me down for the whole set. Shoko Nakazawa just shared a close-up of the five new colorways of her Baby Byron figure for VAG Series 8. Super vibrant pink, yellow, blue, purple, and...

12 August 2016

You know that feeling when a bunch of your favorite artists are in the same room and you're not there? Yeah, that's what I was feeling this weekend. Konatsu, T9G, Shoko Nakazawa, Ayako Takagi, and...

Koraters Byron
16 June 2016

It's like Byron visited a '50s diner with tuck 'n roll booths. The multi-colored glitter is eye-popping, but is unfortunately relegated to Japan. From what I've been able to gather, this version...

Shoko Nakazawa
18 May 2016

Radioactive kaiju are about to wreak havoc on your shelf. Shoko Nakazawa, AKA Koraters, will soon be releasing the Lamune GID colorway of his Byron sofubi. When not glowing in the dark, the piece...

Neon Orange Byron by Shoko Nakazawa
14 March 2016

Koraters (AKA Shoko Nakakawa) has been cranking out sofubi versions of his super cute kaiju, Byron. This newly revealed colorway is an eyecatcher, featuring neon orange sofubi and a dog-like white...

Medicom V.A.G. Series 5 Vinyl Artist Gacha
05 January 2016

Medicom's fifth entry into their gachapon series, V.A.G., is now available stateside for $8.99 each. While Japanese folks get to insert some ¥100 coins, turn the crank, and see the capsule...

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