It's the opening of Buff Monsters Show 'Reign of Pink' at Stolenspace tonight, alas i can't make it but will be down one weekend soon to see...
28 April 2011
24 July 2009
12 May 2009
10 April 2009
12 September 2008
Taking over Stolenspace for the next three or so weeks is Bristol's abstract stroke master Mr Jago. Been a big fan of his work since I first laid eyes on it and this... |
22 August 2008
Got to pop down to the preview night of Stolenspace's latest show featuring French graffiti artist Alexone. As usual for the space it was a compact show but the quality of the pieces was extremely... |
24 June 2008
Got my arse down to StolenSpace at the weekend to check out their new show "Disstopia" by London-based artist Ronzo. I'd come across his graffiti a fair few times but was honestly blown... |
25 October 2007
Just got back (literally) from the new SEEN show "Sign of the Times" @ Stolenspace Gallery on Brick Lane. Decent crowd gathered for the doors to open at 6:30 and soon we were milling about looking... |
03 October 2009