Sometimes the stars align and you get the perfect collaboration. That's the case with UglyCat, a collab between Uglydoll and Korean artist Rato Kim, creator of Boxcat. She lends her cute, angular...
06 July 2016
23 June 2016
If you've been waiting for a painted version of the Uglydoll sofubi series, now's your chance. Featuring hand-painted detailing as well as blue and silver sprays, a fresh coat of paint hits all... |
03 May 2016
After only a bit over a month of waiting, Uglydoll and Toy Art Gallery will be releasing the first four of the sofubi Uglydoll Mini Monsters. We're not sure if these are blindboxed, but we will... |
15 April 2016
Remember last week's #TBT, where we highlighted Ice Bat from the Kaiju for Grown Ups series? It... |
12 April 2016
DrilOne turns a super cute design into something kind of disturbing. Jeero looks like he's had his eyes hollowed out into soulless pits. His body is rusted and his antenna is broken... |
21 March 2016
We've seen a few Uglydolls cast in sofubi over the years, but now we're getting a whole mini-series thanks to Toy Art Gallery. Uglydoll co-creator David Horvath has revealed a group shot of eight... |