06 July 2016

Sometimes the stars align and you get the perfect collaboration. That's the case with UglyCat, a collab between Uglydoll and Korean artist Rato Kim, creator of Boxcat. She lends her cute, angular...

Uglydoll x TAG
23 June 2016

If you've been waiting for a painted version of the Uglydoll sofubi series, now's your chance. Featuring hand-painted detailing as well as blue and silver sprays, a fresh coat of paint hits all...

Uglydoll Sofubi Series
03 May 2016

After only a bit over a month of waiting, Uglydoll and Toy Art Gallery will be releasing the first four of the sofubi Uglydoll Mini Monsters. We're not sure if these are blindboxed, but we will...

Pink Sofubi Ice Bat
15 April 2016

Remember last week's #TBT, where we highlighted Ice Bat from the Kaiju for Grown Ups series? It...

DrilOne Custom Toy
12 April 2016

DrilOne turns a super cute design into something kind of disturbing. Jeero looks like he's had his eyes hollowed out into soulless pits. His body is rusted and his antenna is broken...

Uglydoll x TAG Sofubi Series
21 March 2016

We've seen a few Uglydolls cast in sofubi over the years, but now we're getting a whole mini-series thanks to Toy Art Gallery. Uglydoll co-creator David Horvath has revealed a group shot of eight...

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leftClutter is a FREE monthly print publication covering all things Designer Toy and Sub-Culture art. Founded in 2004 in the good old United Kingdom, Clutter moved to NYC in 2009 where it continues to grow. Pick up a copy here.

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