The ninth installment of Medicom's Vinyl Artist Gacha series is getting contributions from both Shoko Nakazawa and Konatsu! A gachapon-sized Daioh Negora will come in various fur coats while Baby...
09 November 2016
23 September 2016
Well, I now have $45 fewer dollars in my bank account. myplasticheart... |
09 September 2016
Yup, just put me down for the whole set. Shoko Nakazawa just shared a close-up of the five new colorways of her Baby Byron figure for VAG Series 8. Super vibrant pink, yellow, blue, purple, and... |
22 August 2016
OK, I need all five of these. The flagship entry of Medicom's VAG (Vinyl Artist Gacha) Series 8 is an air brushed version of Shoko Nakazawa's adorable Baby Byron! Gold, blue, green, pink, and... |
20 June 2016
Heyo! We crossed our fingers to get some Baby Rangeron figures from V.A.G. Series 7 over to the West and here they are. But they're going fast!... |