Posted by Trustpigs February 19, 2013

With every passing year it seems we ease closer to a day when the average Middle Class household will have their own 3D Printer, as the technology becomes more prevalent and affordable. But instead of lurching towards this future, imagine a huge leap was taken! Named the "3Doodler," it is billed as "the world’s first and only 3D Printing Pen." And it literally is what it says it is… a pen-like device that, as it "draws, it extrudes heated plastic, which quickly cools and solidifies into a strong stable structure." At the ultra-affordable price of only $75, you can essentially preorder one of these fantastic devices through WobbleWorks's current Kickstarter campaign to fund the manufacturing. Already having reached the goal needed, you can now just plunk in your money and wait until the October 2013 release in style! And check out this thing in action:


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