Posted by Geoff April 26, 2009

I'm no eco warrior but I do wonder about the production process of vinyl toys and the toxicity of the final pieces. So huge respect and admiration to Candy and Nicho aka Noferin who have created a new version of their long sold-out Pecanpals range in 100% sustainably harvested wood.

Noferin say: "They are made from rubber tree wood that would otherwise go to waste. Rubber trees are planted for their rubber, and after about 20 years, their rubber yields start to diminish. We use this beautiful wood, thus saving it from the fire pit. No two Pecanpals look the same. They all have very unique markings due to the wood grain. Some are spotted, some have a marbled look, some are a mixture of the two."

The Pecanpals "Natural Wood" series is limited to 300 pieces and as with the first versions come with articulated joints and are all handmade. As if that wasn't enough for the launch they've created a series of handcrafted and hand finished wooden block prints for anyone who buys the entire series!!! And for those who can't stretch to the entire series any purchase of a Pecanpal will come with a free poster on thick stock paper. Now that is customer service!

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