Posted by Nick November 14, 2011

Who can believe it's been 10 years since BrothersFree and Hot Toys were kings of the 1/6 scale scene coming out with regular releases and part of that super famous bunch of artists producing work out of Hong Kong that included a couple of artists named Michael Lau and Eric So.

So these 10th Anniversary figures are something to be really excited about? Yes definitely, however that excitement will quickly be replaced with anger if you happen to visit the Hot Toys Facebook page where people are not appreciating the figures and seem to think that 1) Hot Toys are trying to copy 3A, 2) The figures are ugly and 3) that HT should get back to hooking fans up with the latest licensed shit from Iron Man 2.

Seems like the Hot Toys n00b fanbase doesn't know the history of Hot Toys or the artists that they worked with. The fact is that HT wouldnt be making the awesome licensed figures we see today if it wasn't for the amazing figures they produced with Brothersfree - at one time the BrothersRobber figure was the most sought after figure in the scene, selling for well over $1000. Anyway it bugs me and if you know who William Tsang, Winson Ma and Kenny Wong are then it should bug you too!

If you're a toy n00b then welcome to the toy scene, glad to have you here - however if you can't read 10th Anniversary and are able to tell that means Brothersfree were here long before you then just nod politely and back away from me please.

So i completely missed the details of the figure which are that this is the original classic Monkey figure from Brothersfree, available in Color and Sepia versions. No word on the number produced for the color version but sepia is limited to 800pcs. Hopefully we'll see some more soon from the mercuriel threesome in the shape of some Brothersjoker product!


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