Posted by Richie March 01, 2012

Roberto Gionta or more familiarly known as "RX" has inboxed us about his latest resin pieces "Me and Mr Death". RX is an Italian web cartoonist/comic artist and designer and these are the final resin sculpts of his "Me and Mr Death" limited edition series taken from his webcomic! Oh and when we say limited we really mean limited! There will be 7 sets produced. The finished figures will be hand painted by RX himself.

 "Me" is RX and he is Pretentious and a super loser (his words not mine). A young graduate and still searching for himself, he's a chronic pessimist and a pretty good burper. "Mr Death" is the Grim Reaper. He's been trying, unsuccessfully, to get RX for years, and apparently he loves beer!

It's hard to tell what the finished painted figures will look like as they've only just been cast, but going by the cartoony aesthetic and decent sculpt, I'm sure you can expect good things from RX.

The figures measure in at 17cm tall and will all be numbered and signed. Get it here!




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