Posted by Trustpigs August 07, 2012

As part of this year's "Leave an Impression" campaign from whisky brand Ballantine's, the company teamed up with CuteCircuit to create the world's first "wearable, shareable, programmable and 100% cotton t-shirt." This innovative redesign of the classic tee allows the wearer to share their Facebook Status updates, Twitter tweets, digital photos and favorite songs with anyone they come in contact with; the shirt even has a built-in camera for taking live photographs and a headphone jack to support listening to iTunes. The whole thing works because of an integrated operated system in the clothing that is controlled by a mobile device application that serves as a bridge between the t-shirt and the internet. But how can we make this tshirtOS a reality? Well, it already is… but only as a prototype. In order to guage demand for an actual release, both companies are monitoring the amount of vistiors to their website, viewers on their YouTube video and tweets to them or hastaging them. So if you want this to become a reality, go forth and leave an impression yourself…


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