Posted by specialK December 19, 2012

The "Kwadro Kwin", Otto Bjornik's latest set of 9" Royalty Dunnys, are 4 queen sisters named Qortni, Quilla, Qiana, and Quarta. Each sister represents a suit in a deck of playing cards; Queen of Spades, Clubs, Hearts & Diamonds. Bjornik plans on releasing a 3" Kwadro Kwin set sometime in January. Below is the Kwadro Kwin backstory. 

"It has been written that 'War is the trade of kings', but we all know that behind every great king there lies an even more powerful queen. This is the story of four sisters who were each destined for royalty. They were beautiful daughters of a wealthy nobleman who lived in Center Valley. They spent their days playing spirited rounds of mahjong and betting against each other in lively, trash-talk laden games of marbles."


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