Posted by Miranda August 20, 2008

Sket brought to my attention Hucks latest blog post and it really is aSket brought to my attention Hucks latest blog post and it really is about time someone stood up and said this. I applaud Huck for his stance on the matter. As someone who does get artists to sign stuff, and draw on my things including a sketch book it infuriates me that people who have no love for the art or artists spoil it for everyone. For Huck's case in point check out this ebay item.

I have always felt a bit strange asking people to draw things for me, embarrassed in some ways, but when I do ask people it is only ever for my own enjoyment. I just can't understand how people have the balls to stand in line and then filp it on eBay. My sketch book contains detail drawings that have taken a while to execute, to scribbles that mark an occasion. And I love every single one, as it reflects a time and a place. Memories to be cherished.

I have noticed increasing numbers of people turning up to toy releases and signings, and not even buying a toy, but just producing a book to be scrawled in.

"Some people have their books and thats all, no toy, no nothing. So here you are doing a sketch which is rushed and it sucks that your holding the line up for someone who wont even support you" Says Sket. "Like all the people who get blanks signed and then they flip 'em. It sucks" He continues.

So beware people. If you want the scene to continue to do signings(which to be honest is a fairly recent development), and to remain a friendly fun place to be, then take heed. Flipping a toy is one discussion, flipping a drawing is definitely another. Stop Flipping and ripping of the artists we all love!


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