Posted by Nick April 16, 2009

Above: Tado, Mori Chack & Beast Bros

To coincide with her 30th birthday celebrations the Toy Baroness has organised this awesome charity auction to raise money for The Cambodian Children’s Fund. 30 of her artist friends have customised Mini Munnys that will be auctioned off later this week!!!

R to L: Andrew Bell, Shawnimals, MAD & Sket One

Anyone who knows the Baroness, knows that her trip to Cambodia last year had a massive impact on her. She fell in love with the country and its people and wanted to find a way that she could help them.

In Cambodia most of the children lack the necessities of food, clothing, shoes, and transportation. Many can't even afford the pencils and notebooks they need to attend school. So instead of attending class they sell trinkets at the temples in order to survive. The money raised from the auction will go towards delivering clothing, shoes, books, paper, pens, and bicycles to children of Siem Reap villages.

123klan & Triclops Studio

This weekend the Baroness will be auctioning off one-of-a-kind custom works from: 123KLAN, Alex Pardee, Andrew Bell, Beast Brothers, Brian Morris, DEPH, DEVILROBOTS, FILTH, Gary Baseman, ILoveDust, Jaime Litwalk, Joe Capobianco, Joe Ledbetter, Jon Burgerman, MAD, Maze23, Mori Chack, Mr. Shane Jessup, Nathan Jurevicius, Pon, SEEN, Shawnimals, Sket One, SourBones, TADO, Tara McPherson, TILT, Tim Biskup, Triclops Studios, Urban Medium, and Christian Jacobs of YoGabbaGabba!

Sour Babe by SourBones

Here i've compiled all the sneak peeks i've seen around the internet along with my very own Sour Babe. All will be available for purchase on eBay later this week from Baronessloves.

If you are interested in helping in any way the Baroness is not just looking for monetary donations. If you can provide clothing, notebooks, papers, or pens that would be greatly appreciatedyou can contact her at toybaroness [at] Also, if you are interested in directly donating to a non-profit for Cambodian Children, please check out The Cambodian Children’s Fund.

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