Posted by Richie February 01, 2012

If deep fried poultry is your thing, look no further... Dalston-Fried Chicken by cardboy creator Mark James. Hot and Tasty!?



Latest in Mark James' (the creator of Cardboy) line of designer toys, Dalston comes in at 6" tall and is made of vinyl. It's a limited run of 200 pieces and will come its very own screen printed box. Much more designer and appetizing than the so called edible greasy counterparts you'll find on a night out. It's a very funny piece and actually, it's quite disturbing too. A piece of plastic fried chicken stares at you from those hollow bread crumb eyes and giving you a bony thumbs up.

So if you've got a surreal sense of humour and find yourself loving this slightly macabre piece then you'll be pleased to know that Dalston's delicious self will be available for purchase towards the end of February so keep your eyes peeled!



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