Posted by Trustpigs January 14, 2014

With both Superfestival 64 and (In)Action Figure 2 exclusives now out in the wild, The Disarticulators can now finally announce the full release of the Ooze-Claw! Created as a display stand for both the Ooze-Ball and MoD, the 2-part rubber piece will be available in 4 different colorways chosen to match past Ooze-Ball releases: an “Original” neon green and pink, a “Vintage” green and pink, a “Stealth” black, and a "Crystal" clear cast in special premium rubber. Available on their own for $14 each ($18 for Crystal), The Disarticulators will also be offering them up with a matching ball for $38 — both options coming bagged with a header co-designed by Tru:Tek and Ralph Niese...

But that's not all! In true Disarticulator style, we'll also be offering up 2 super-limited Ooze-Ball and Claw runs alongside the main release…

The "Cosmos Alien" Ooze-Ball & Claw set! Taking direct inspiration from the original Cosmos Alien (Ooze-It gachapon bootleg) print ad pictured above, the Ooze-Ball has been cast in a similar dark green with a silver marble this time around, whilst the Claw has been treated to a solid orangey red that matches the plug accessory. Limited to an edition of just 5 this time around, each set is due to come packed with an exclusive Cosmos header for $40 plus shipping.

And the "One-Off" Micro Run Ooze-Ball & Claw set! Joining the Cosmos Aliens, The Disarticulators will also be unleashing a number of one-off Ooze sets too! Cast in a mix of two and three tone marbles with matching display stands, these are due to come bagged and headed for $45 plus shipping. Exact edition size will be revealed at the drop.

All of the above will be touching down in the Man-E-Toys store this Wednesday, January 15th, 2014 (Tomorrow!) at 4PM EST.


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