Custom Xbox Controllers
15 June 2016

While Microsoft's Xbox presentation at E3 revealed zero games I'm interested in (apparently I'm getting old), and left me scratching my head after they announced two new console configurations,...

Rock Roll TMNT
23 May 2016

Tomorrow, the long-awaited TMNT game from Platinum Games will be hitting store shelves. This new game is heavily inspired by IDW’s awesome TMNT comic series, and is even written...

Final Fantasy 15
31 March 2016

Square Enix dropped a ton of news at last night's Uncovered: Final Fantasy XV event. The most surprising reveals were about supplementary media: A full-length, non-theatrical...

05 June 2012

OK so E3 kicked off in LA yesterday and being very into my video games at the moment, i'm all over the info coming out of there at the moment, so long as it has nothing to do with the Wii U.

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