What's better than origami? Giant origami. Check out these super cute paper bunnies designed by Tetsuya Gotani. These probably aren't for first-time folders, though. There are 26 steps in...
22 March 2016
05 January 2016
If you live in a climate anything like mine, you're resigned to the fact that you're going to be snowed in at some point this season. Once you've exhausted your daytime TV viewing quota, print out... |
05 March 2014
One of my all time favorite paper toy artists has released another free toy for download. This iteration of his long running series, Blockhead, will also be featured in the upcoming exhibition,... |
23 January 2014
So I havent bought one yet but I'm ready to push the button any minute - Matt Crabe's Duck Die Nasty Huck... |
22 March 2013
Congratulations to Reid Harris Cooper and TJKernan on winning their very own... |
06 March 2013
Over 8,000 foldables from Foldable.Me descended on Parliment Square in London in support of the Fairtrade charity. Each foldable represented everyone who... |
08 December 2012
The enigmatic Vin has released a new series of themed toys. The War Writers series has been teased some in the past weeks and now they're finally here. As ambitious as any of his toys, these graf... |
20 November 2012
Derin Ciler aka MEKAZOO recently started up MKNK Clothing, a street wear brand based in Istanbul, Turkey. Inspired by pop culture, urban life MKNK's... |
15 January 2016
Haven't gotten your eyes on Poposition's Kickstarted-fueled Pop-Up Art Book? Check out the video they've just uploaded to YouTube, showing off each of the six standard pop-up spreads... |
27 March 2014
My intro to Nick Knite came in the form of two very loveable monsters, Evil Icy and Tongue Toastie. These two creatures were a part of the awesome book, Papertoy Monsters... |
05 March 2014
This year's Art Without Borders has expanded its vision. Whereas last year's event had the participating artists customize... |
21 May 2013
Today, May 21st, POPaganda will debut the first of the cereal killer series product packaging at... |
21 March 2013
Clutter has teamed up with Foldable.Me to give readers a chance to win their very own Foldable creation!! The Foldable.Me... |
26 February 2013
Join the Team Popaganda Culture Jamming Machine with the weekly dollar downloadable product subversion design!! ... |
05 December 2012
It's Christmas time! Time to bust out the decorations and set up your tree. Make your decorations truly your own with... |
15 November 2012
Are you ready for the world's first underwater papercraft video game? Because that's exactly what Derrick the Deathfin is! Based on papercraft... |
14 January 2016
Mark James came out swinging with his debut, an urban vinyl take on the stereotypical football hooligan. This design transcended the vinyl scene, finding attention - or more accurately,... |
08 March 2014
You can tell a lot about a person based on the Cubeecrafts they collect and build. For instance, I have in my collection; customs from good friends, Abz,... |
04 March 2014
As a paper toy fiend, I spend a fair amount of time tracking down toys and templates. Okay, I spend a lot of time tracking down toys and templates. The process is akin to a needle in a haystack,... |
23 April 2013
Living the high life? Make sure you're smoking with a pack of POPaganda's Marlboro High Life Marijuana Cigarettes. Breathe Free or... |
07 March 2013
Udonwannun has created this incredibly fun iPad app called Paper Critters. Paper Critters is a drag & drop editor that lets you... |
25 February 2013
Xavier Gale-Sides has been designing 3D paper models for a while and posting the amazing results on his My Paper Heroes blogspot. At first Xavier's... |
20 November 2012
French artist Sam Kwedo makes incredible paper toys and light paper toys. Sam seems to like robots themes and infamous wolves.... |
05 November 2012
MF Gallery in Brooklyn will kick off the holiday season with thier annual toy show. The 2012 MF... |