Just in time for Halloween, a new set of Playmates Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures are hitting shelves. The "Monsters and Mutants" series are toys based on the current "Tale" airing on Tales...
13 October 2017
01 November 2016
Adult Swim’s Rick and Morty is likely the most popular network cartoon aimed at adults currently on air. I hear people referencing the show while I’m just walking in public. So it’s a bit... |
12 September 2016
Bob's Burgers definitely had a rough start. But a not-so-funny premier season eventually grew into a pretty hilarious cartoon of the modern age. Now the Fox animation is teaming up with... |
27 July 2016
This court transcript from Georgia - which is indeed real - is funny enough on its own. But Justin Roiland of Rick and Morty fame... |
01 July 2016
Last year DreamEx premiered some sculpts of their upcoming 1:6 scale Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures. Oddly enough, Casey Jones seems to be the first... |
06 June 2016
Threezero has now put both Michelangelo and Leonardo Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles figures up for presale. These 1/6 scale figures are particularly special... |
24 May 2016
This October, Herocross will be coming out with a new and quite unique set of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle figures. These toys will be a blend of die-cast metal and plastic parts and are... |
04 May 2016
This past weekend, I entered the cereal aisle at my local supermarket to get my regular supply of Peanut Butter Cap’n Crunch, when I saw something I have waited for for over 20 years: A... |
19 July 2017
Starting Tomorrow at San Diego Comic Con, perhaps the coolest Usagi Yojimbo figure of all time will be available as an exclusive through Nickelodeon's Booth. From Playmates: ... |
05 October 2016
Are ya ready kids?! Secret Base's half X-Ray Spongebob is getting a monochromatic makeover with a bright silver epidermis and a dark silver skeleton underneath the transparent half. Spongebob's... |
31 August 2016
Hands down, Twin Peaks has the best score - and intro song - in the history of television. The only non-download way for fans to listen to the OST is a CD from the early '... |
06 July 2016
Following the preview of their 1:6 Scale Casey Jones TMNT figure, DreamEx has revealed their 1:... |
30 June 2016
Hitting store shelves now are a set of die-cast metal Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys from Jada Toys . The figures are based on the classic cartoon and retail for $11.99 apiece.... |
03 June 2016
As the gum we like comes back in style, you can bet there will be at least a few media tie-ins. Launching ahead of Showtime's 2017 revival of Twin Peaks, Mark Snow, the show's co-... |
23 May 2016
Tomorrow, the long-awaited TMNT game from Platinum Games will be hitting store shelves. This new game is heavily inspired by IDW’s awesome TMNT comic series, and is even written... |
02 May 2016
Open now and on display until Saturday, May 7 is Gallery1988's art show dedicated to Bob's Burgers. The Beast Brothers, Jellykoe, Steff Bomb, and plenty more are participating, with... |
12 December 2016
Our friends over at Playmates toys sent us one of their new TMNT/WWE Crossover action figures, and we were very impressed. ... |
22 September 2016
Remember those adorable Abbey Road toys from Bito? The Taipei design studio is at it again, this time with... |
18 August 2016
If you've been holding off on jumping aboard the hype train, don't wait! Stranger Things is one of... |
01 July 2016
Though not an officially licensed Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles product, the company First Gokin has just released images of its upcoming “Oraku Saki”... |
30 June 2016
Just a few days ago, Threezero posted a teaser image of their upcoming 1:6 scale Bebop and Rocksteady figures from the new TMNT movie. This is a continuation of the highly detailed 1:6... |
26 May 2016
Now available for preorder are two of the coolest sets of Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles toys maybe ever. As an exclusive to SDCC, NECA is releasing two box sets of TMNT 6” scale... |
23 May 2016
Happy World Turtle Day everyone! There are many ways to celebrate this great occasion. You can donate to a worthy cause or scrub oil off a turtle’s shell or, if you’re like me, you can lay back... |
26 April 2016
LEGO Ideas is like Kickstarter but without money. Someone builds a cool idea out of LEGO - often an IP that LEGO has yet to obtain the license for - or model it out with software... |