Posted by Devin March 21, 2011

Another amazing artist I talked with at Flatstock was local Austinite, Tim Doyle. Tim has a great eye for design and a good sense of humor. He was extremly informative and just felt like one of those people you've known forever even though you just met. Here's the interview!

Enjoying SXSW?

I guess?  I never leave my house except to get comic books, so this is a big change.  As a long-time Austin resident, SXSW is like one of those Biblical plagues that just sweeps through town in a week, smiting the just and the unjust alike.  I'm really not doing much other than manning my Flatstock booth.  I have noticed that there's an awful lot of ironic eyewear and hats going around.  Is that a thing now? Someone should stop it.


Any Upcoming projects your excited about?

 I JUST completed my 7th print for the upcoming Quentin V. Coen art show put on by  They have a gallery show opening in April in NYC, with the prints going on sale online soon after.


Any artists inspiring you right now?

David Lapham, Michael Lark, Geoff Darrow, Sean Phillips.  Also- Tomer Hanuka is the tits.  Although I'm pretty sure he's a man, so it's weird if he has tits.


Any Toys your digging at the moment?

We just bought my son a 'crawling tube' a few months back, and I think I have more fun with it than he does.  I crawled into it and stood up to make him laugh, so I had this big blue tube going from my knees to about 4 feet over my head.  But my arms got wedged up in it, and I couldn't get it off.  I made the mistake of asking my wife to come get it off, and she took the opportunity to start tickling me, as my arms were immobilized. So I started waving the top half of the tube at her by shaking my body, to try to keep her back.  At this point my pants fell off down around my ankles (this happens when you're fat and you can't grab the belt to hike it back up).  At this point one of my employees walked in and realized he was working for a bunch of idiots.  All in all, this was a pretty typical day here at Nakatomi headquarters. 

Biggest nightmare project or favorite past project?

My favorite print I've done is 'The Camino Cats Make Their Escape'- it was just a blast.  The biggest nightmare was deciding that I NEEDED to do 7 prints for the Tarantino V. Coen show.  They turned out great, but it was non-stop work. I must really hate free time.


Favorite Venue or City to visit for a show?

I like the Continental Club a lot.  Pretty mellow.  I'm not a big 'venue' fan, but I'll go to where ever bands I like are playing.  The Cactus Cafe is pretty awesome, too.

Favorite beer or mixed drink?

White Russian made with whipped cream from a can.  The bartender at The Brixton, Jon Chapman, made one for me, and I almost proposed.  To him or the drink, it didn't really matter.


Any tips for artists trying to screen print their work?

I suggest learning how to screen print.  If you think you can just design without actually pulling the squeegie yourself, you're headed for frustration, and your printer might end up hating you.  You really need to print your own for a good long while before you can communicate properly with a printshop to do your own stuff.  I built my own shop in my garage and learned how to print from Clint Wilson, and as I got busier, I got him and some friends to take over the printing for me.  But I learned so much doing my own printing that I'm able to effectively communicate to my printers now.  Also, make stuff that people want to buy. 


How do you keep motivated to stay at the easel/desk?

Fear.  If I don't draw, we don't pay bills.  Good thing I like to draw.

 Anything else you want to promote or mention for clutter readers?

Everything I've got going on happens on, and on my personal portfolio site  If you pay attention there, your life will be 12% more awesome. And, for God's sake- read a book, listen to a science podcast, and get your vaccines. 


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leftClutter is a FREE monthly print publication covering all things Designer Toy and Sub-Culture art. Founded in 2004 in the good old United Kingdom, Clutter moved to NYC in 2009 where it continues to grow. Pick up a copy here.

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