Posted by Miranda July 08, 2011

The SDCC 2011 news just keeps flowing, which is very exciting! Kuso Vinyl has just announced that they managed to snag a last minute booth at this year con and have announced two exclusives to go along with the event. First up they have the Fahrenheit Spiki, which is a collaboration piece between Rotobox and Maihiro. Limited to 200 pieces they stand at 7" tall and come with 4 swords, a blackboard and a mini comic. Retailing at $65 they will be available at Kuso's booth #605, where the creator of Spiki, Nakanari will be signing.




The second release is the Spiki Chiisai artist series - Thundercraps. Designed by Rotobox this is a collaboration piece with Nakanari. This time standing at 4" tall, a limited (undisclosed) qty will be available at their booth, for just $15. There will also be a rare chase version which can be pulled at random.


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