Posted by Nick July 23, 2012

Being a firm fan of Batman it is easy for me to simply state that Superman sucks and the teaser trailer Man of Steel does nothing to change my opinion on the character or get me remotely excited for the films release.

It made perfect sense for DC to launch this trailer at the same time as Dark Knight Rises, but I think alot of Batman fans will be of the same opinion as me that A) Superman sucks, B) Batman could kick his ass with or without the use of a mechanical T-Rex (read comics bitch) and C) a badass billionaire detective/vigilante is way more appealing than a whiney boyscout suckup. HA!

So yeah on to this trailer: We get some shots of kid Clark playing with a makeshift cape, then finding himself on some Chris Nolan styled personal journey (crab fishing?). Then we get less than 5 seconds of Superman in flight, which looks less than impressive - flying's the boring stuff - show him actually doing something if you want to impress anyone. The narration you hear is Kevin Costner, who's playing Pa Kent, doing his best Uncle Ben "With Power comes great Responsibility" speech.

In conclusion: Meh!

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