Photo Recap | myplasticheart's Monstrosities 2016
22 January 2016

myplasticheart assembled more kaiju than a Toho movie marathon, featuring work from Mutant Vinyl Hardcore, Bwana Spoons, Paul Kaiju, Splurrt, and many more. "So ugly it's cute" doesn't apply here...

21 May 2014

Blurble and Guumon have teamed up to bring you an awesome release of very special Oozy. Designed by Blurble and hand painted by...

21 March 2014

The first collaboration between iconic innovators SLAVE×ONE & GUUMON is here! The "Gero" figure by ...

05 February 2014

Toy Art Gallery is proud to present “DARK INVASION” featuring the incredible talents of Devil’s Head Prod, GalaxyPeople, Guumon, Mutant Vinyl Hardcore, Paul Kaiju and Scarecrowoven! Witness as...

28 February 2012

LuLuBell is stoked to release these ToxicPink Diagomi by artist Brian Mahony of GUUMON TOYS! Each figure is...

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