We've just recieved news regarding Mikie Graham Plans for SDCC 2012! Mikie has created a run of 10 mini jumping brain figures he calls "This Is Your Brain". These figures are a recreation of the...
26 June 2012
20 December 2011
A custom BRAIN RIDER? This already sounds awesome. The Jumping Brain a.k.a JB had come across a poster for THE FIRST ANNUAL BODY PARTS RODEO. JB knew right away that he wanted to compete in the... |
14 September 2011
It's a simple question, really. What would you rather have for the upcoming holiday season, a lump of coal, or a jumping brain? We've seen a bunch of these recently, but this has to be my favorite... |
28 March 2011
In order to help raise fund for the terrible situation in Japan, Emilio Garcia has created a special edition 'HINOMARU (the Rising-Sun)' Jumping Brain. Released on March 30th,... |
15 March 2011
Released yesterday are they awesomely pearly 2" Brain Hue figures by Emilio Garcia. These figures celebrate a year long collaboration between Toy Art Gallery, Emilio Garcia and Lapolab. Brain Hue... |
10 September 2008
Emilio Garcia's Jumping Brain gets a DIY Makeover. Released this Autumn (thats Fall for all those Americans out there) the Jumping Brain has only previously been seen in its RGB colourways.... |