Found a great site that lists random chats people have had on chat pages on t'internet.
Take look there's some classics: http://qdb.us/
My favourites so far:
Coff: We should bring rain ponchoes back. Problem Solved.
Cyg: New Problem: I don't want to look like a homeless wizard.
And this:
jeeves: so we got these new sliding filing shelfs put in today
jeeves: and a bud was grabbing some files, so he hit the latch to slide the shelf over
jeeves: pushing it against some other shelfs
jeeves: so i ran and stood inbetween the closing shelfs
jeeves: and shouted "Shut down all the trash compactors on the detention level!- No, all of them!"
jeeves: naturally, my bud was startled and stopped
jeeves: so I started laughing my ass off and walked out of the filing room
jeeves: nobody got the joke :(
poster1: dude you're a geek
jeeves: i know
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