Posted by Miranda April 29, 2008
(From Left to right: Geoff "main man" Whitehouse, Nick "co-owner" Carroll, Ginny "I've come for the booze" O'Shea, Kirsty "drinks til she falls" Hillyer, Miranda "Pirate wench/co-owner" O'Brien, Theresa "I like to Party" Ho & Paul "Shakey spell checker" Cole; Photo expertly taken by Dacosta.)

So the Clutter crew (well the hardcore, and shakey :P ) have been living it up in New York City again. This time we went over for Comic Con, a pretty new affair for NY, but much bigger and better than previous years.

(The Ugly Crew)

We had a great time hooking up with some old friends, and it was awesome to put faces to some new ones. Big props go out to Eric Scarecrow, Dacosta, Keith and the Toy Qube massiv, MPH Peeps, Pink ghost gals and Michael Uman, All of whom we love! Only down side was, with so many people all in the same place it was hard to speak to everyone, so we did miss some peeps :(

(This Dude was on union square and sold framed pictures of sock puppets. Apparently they all have myspace pages and are in bands. Me and Kirsty couldn't resist so brought some!)


(Left - Right: Mad, Me (maz), Geoff, Kirsty, Nick, Ginny, Nichole (the Baroness),

Michael, Ho, Shakey)

First night was a wash out for me..... (alcohol and vallium proving to be a bad mix). But if anyone wants to fill in the blanks for me, please feel free.... not on here though, lol. I don't remember ordering the Tequila but i do remember the $750 bar tab!! And considering i was passed out by half 10 thats some going.

Thursday night was Mad's show: Some stuff i made, at My Plastic Heart.

Mad's work was as tight as ever and the show was awesome. It drew a big crowd who hung out at MPH til way after their bed times!! Sket made the drive down and home again, for fear of death at the hands of Mad ;) And we met Sailors!! Who seemed particularly keen on Sket and Mad :P
(Left - Right: Kirsty, Sailor's ahoy, Maz)

Friday morning was the best day of the con for us, as it was mainly press, which meant you could have a good look around. Alot of the stuff on display was already out, but there were some gems that made us go ohhhh..

Billy Banana's finally seeing the light of day is awesome, and with a pink and green colour way me and Nick were jumping for joy. Need them all!! Obviously. Seeing Bertie in the flesh was also a highlight, now thats an art toy for sure! The articulation is amazing and the paint work out of this world. Chonny managed to snatch one (winner!).

(Chonny with her new love... and Claudio)

Another Con highlight was finally seeing the Kill Audio Doll in the flesh! Looks awesome, and i can't wait for it to be released, which is looking like SDCC.

(Claudio & Kill Audio)

NYCC post 2 coming soon.....

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leftClutter is a FREE monthly print publication covering all things Designer Toy and Sub-Culture art. Founded in 2004 in the good old United Kingdom, Clutter moved to NYC in 2009 where it continues to grow. Pick up a copy here.

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