Posted by Miranda May 01, 2008

So here is the first post for the things we brought back from NYCC. This wasn't a ComicCon purchase, but a ToyTokyo one. I am not a Kaiju aficionado, in fact my knowledge in the area is well, you could say, limited.So here is the first post for the things we brought back from NYCC. This wasn't a ComicCon purchase, but a ToyTokyo one. I am not a Kaiju aficionado, in fact my knowledge in the area is well, you could say, limited. However i love Kaiju that makes me laugh, on my last trip to NY i spent ages in TT, just laughing, so from that point on i was hooked.

So for me this was the ultimate Kaiju purchase! Ok so it was $185 but, look at it, what more could you want, and it even glows in the dark (I’ll take a picture later). I may never need to buy another piece (hahha yeh right)

If anyone has any further info about it, please comment and let me know.

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