Posted by Miranda September 14, 2008

I brought back Rock Band from our NY trip back in April. I just had too.. You see I have a ps3 and due to legal battles between Harmonixs and RedOctane it was delayed, and has only just been released here (although why they released the patch in the US and not here I dont know). Anyway I love the game (even if the RB controller isn't a patch on the GH one) and have been taunted by downloadable content for months! So today after trying to set a US playstation account and failing to add money to the wallet to buy such awesome tracks as, 10 Speed of god's blood and burial (coheed), Debaser (pixes), and War Pigs (Black Sabath), I was overjoyed to find that tracks had finally been added to the UK store! Hurrah!!

I spent nearly £15 (which i thought was quite reserved). Download the tracks. Installed them!! Winner!! So there I was all excited, booting up the game.

After spending about 45 min looking at every consivable option on the game and in the ps3 settings, I resorted to forum browsing to find myself an answer to as why they wouldn't work. It seems that because my game is a USA import (even though the games are not region coded and the game has been happily playing for nearly 6 months) it wont play the DLC from the UK store, and that now to play the songs I have downloaded I have to spend about £40 buying the UK game.....

Well i'm not happy! Not only have I had to wait more than a year for it to be released in the UK on the PS3 but now I have to buy it again...

Fuck you Harmonix, and Fuck you Sony! I should have done what everyone said and brought a corporate whoring Xbox 360 and had none of this problem... Hmm what am i saying thats just foolish!! :P

On the upside the GH controller does now work with my exsisting RB so I can have a 4 man band, and the GH gibson controller is far superior anyway! Small victory but i guess its not all bad!

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  • Thursday, June 4, 2009 - 6:25pm
  • Wednesday, October 17, 2007 - 1:56pm
    So this is possibly the best game, and the funniest video i have ever seen all rolled into one. Thanks to chonny for pointing this out and making my day so much brighter!! As a crazy fan of Guitar Hero, obviously this is the next step for me, its just Genius!! Where did they find these testers...
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