Posted by Nick January 04, 2011

As years go 2010 was a pretty mental experience and over christmas i read alot of stuff about the films and games of the year, which were pretty unanimous, but when it came to toys it's alot more subjective to taste than sitting around and agreeing that Inception kicked ass!

So here's my attempt at writing something worth reading about the year that was 2010....


To know me, is to know that there are 3 things that rock my world Films, Video games and of course Toys: so here i'll try to get my head together and list out my personal picks of the year. First up its films!


Well of course i picked Inception too as my film of the year. I can't even remember another film just being so goddamn clever and genius. Studios should just write Chris Nolan blank cheques to make movies, cos even tho my expectations for the film were high, i was still blown away by it. If you haven't seen the film I obviously highly recommend it.

Other films from this year I loved were:

Social Network - The story of how Zuckerberg stole the idea for Facebook

Scott Pilgrim - Yet another gem from UK director Edgar Wright

and honourable mentions to: Toy Story 3, Ponyo and TRON Legacy for just looking awesome!



Red Dead Redemtion from Rockstar Games (makers of GTA) is the only game of this year that i've actually had an emotional connection with. The adventures of John Marston took me back to my Final Fantasy playing days when you actually cared about the characters you were spending so much 'quality' time with. The Undead Nightmare downloadable content merely added more quality gameplay in a world you already knew, seeing the wife and child you fought so hard to return to in the original game struck down with zombi-itis.

I haven't played anything as much as i have RDR. The only other games to have an impact on me this year were: Demon Souls for being so bastard difficult to even begin to play (Ghosts n Goblins for the new generation). Also Street Fighter IV for the Iphone has also saved my life on many occasions when waiting around at various train stations around the country! And finally as a footy fan FIFA 10/11 has pretty much consumed my year and sucked away the remaining time i coulda been playing other games.


Last but not least its the toys that have made 2010 for me. Unsuprisingly i think me and Geoff pretty much agree on this collection of must haves from the year. Perhaps with the exception of Geoffs inclusion of Burgerbuns and his corresponding disdain for my inclusion of Parra's Prostitute. There have been a few Toy of the year lists flying around that haven't even included any of these figuresHere's a run down (LtoR) of the figures:

Crazymichael by Michael Lau

Michael Lau released his first production Gardener 12" figure. A landmark occasion for people who've been collecting since the very early days of the scene. Michael continually manages to produce some of the finest and most quality figures money can buy. Released towards the end of the year i'm still trying to get my hands on one without paying silly money but i fear that time has passed :(

Prostitute by Parra

Made by Adfunture this is the first vinyl representation of the Dutch artists work, and what a fiiiiine representation of his art it is too. Released at NYCC at Myplasticheart, i know this lil heartbreaker was picked up by a certain NY based co-worker!

Greasebat by Jeff Lamm

Gotta say this figure came out of nowhere this year for me. I'd seen Jeffs work here and there but when the prototype pics of the Real Fighting Greasebat came out i was blown away. Monster Worship have done a stunning job scultping and producing this figure based on Jeffs artwork. The one weird thing about the figure is that sometimes i find myself lusting after the unpainted versions more than the painted!! Looking forward to the 3rd colourway this year!

Burgerbuns by Le Merde

The first of 2 Super7 figures in this list. Def can't have a toy of the year discussion without including Super7 (cos we love them so!) Burgerbuns is a suprisingly sizable figure for the characters apparent dainty looking appearance. Like most Le Merde characters he's all hair and teeth, a combination not normally associated with awesomeness). Again loving the plain vinyl and clear versions of this figure ahead of the first painted production release but i'm sure there'll be one this year i'll want to pick up.

Super Shogun Stormtrooper

3ft tall Super7 x Star Wars figure?? There is no part of that sentence that sucks and pretty much tells you everything you need to know about how great this figure is. A classic toy already, this figure already crosses the divide of potentially being included for Toy of the Year in our world and in the mainstream.

Honourable Mentions:

Tic Tok Apocalypse by Amanda Visell was just a really cracking mini series and a great representation of her superb artwork. Been a while since i said this sentence: Well done Kidrobot!

Godot by Sergey Safonov Really crazy and gutsy figure to produce. Perhaps not to everyones taste but in our opinion a real thing of beauty.

When pushed to shove i think i've gotta go with Jeff Lamm's Greasebat for my personal Toy of MY Year. Probably seems quite a random selection to alot of people but there we go. I've made my choice, what's yours?



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