"Stegoforest is from the late Jurassic period and was found in what is now known as the Pacific Northwest of North America. Stegoforest had an array of coniferous plants that grew from its back and are thought to have been used as camouflage. Stegoforest were herbivores, but it is also speculated that they gained energy through photosynthesis as well. They averaged a height of 10 meters (from foot to tree top), and a length of 9 meters. Although it bares a striking resemblance to the Stegosaurus, this creature was neither an animal or a plant, but somewhere in between making it hard for scientists to classify. The origin and veracity of Stegoforest is uncertain, as few remains are known to exist, and many have been falsified."
Jesse Narens, from Ghost and Flower, has recently released his latest resin figure Stegoforest! This figure was sculpted by Beth Graves, who also sculpted Bwana Spoons sloth n' moth, and designed by Jesse himself. Stegoforest is about 7.5 inches long from head to tail, and 4 inches tall with articulation in his head and front left foot.
Oh, and that little dude chillin next to him? Thats the Battled Damaged Acorn Warrior, him and Stegoforest are buddies. He's about 2.5 inches long. He is available for purchase with or without the Stegoforest, but c'mon they're buddies! How could you split them up like that?!
The Stegoforest and the Battled Damaged Acorn Warrior are available as a set HERE for $65
And if you decide to go with just the Battled Damaged Acorn Warrior he is available HERE for $15
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Wednesday, April 2, 2014 - 4:39pmOriginally produced in resin in 2012, the Stegoforest by Jesse Narens is making its debut in Japanese Sofubi!