Well Best Ink finally aired on Oxygen last night after being on hold since January. Probably held over not to compete with Ink Master, of which it seems to be almost a carbon copy with just a couple of tweaks. While Kimberly Caldwell (from American Idol) is a little suspect as having any real Tattoo cred, she is just the host, and Joe Capobianco, Sabina Kelly and guest judges make up for that.
Some of the standouts for me were the one liners from :
Kimberly Caldwell "I'm business in the front... but I'm a party in the back"
Umm... That is no party, and you just described a Mullett.
Nick about Jessica "I don't want to hate her...But I probably will hate her"
Who I will hate too especially if she keeps crying every time she is critiqued by the judges.
Charlie about Joe Capobianco "He is an icon in the industry, so... when he walked in I think a little pee came out"
All in all it is still a show about Tattoos, Ink and Art , so I will take it any day over say...Dancing with a B-list Celebrity.
Stay tuned for the next Best Ink post on. The Elimination.
Till next time ... Seek and Destroy
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