Posted by Miranda April 13, 2012

Seems that Marilyn Manson has been having a little bromance with non other than Johnny Depp!! Its no secret that Johnny was once in a band, and I'm sure a little part of him I'm sure aches to be in a big name rock outfit. So this week he got together with Marilyn Manson to perform Sweet Dreams at The Revolver Golden Gods awards. His presence there was so top secret that not even the event organizers we're allowed to know about it, or even allowed into the sound check! That's the power of celebrity for you. 

I've heard Deep speak before about his friendship with Manson so this duet doesn't come completely from left field. Looks to me like he had a total blast! I'm very jealous that our PR people were there live watching this amazing event unfold! 


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  • Monday, March 26, 2012 - 8:35pm
    Its no secret that I'm a big Tim Burton fan, and its even less of a secret that I love Johnny Depp, so imagine my excitement when this trailer just popped up on TV.
  • Friday, March 16, 2012 - 6:53pm
    Haven't checked out the new Dark Shadows trailer? Where have you been! Thought i'd post it up here for any and all who haven't managed to check it out. Tim Burton and Johnny Depps latest collaboration.
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