We featured the Total Recall teaser last week and this Sunday saw the full trailer released, and to be honest the film looks pretty goddamned awesome.
When we all hear remake, we all get a bit uptight and make comments about how Hollywood has no new ideas, and while that's very true, this is def more of a re-imagining than a remake. The 1990 Arnie classic was 100% cheese with a few witty one-liners thrown in for good measure. This version has gone for a much grittier future more akin to Blade Runner or perhaps that other Farrell movie Minority Report.
Special Effects have come a long way in 22 years so it's no suprise that this looks stunning. Can't wait till August to catch it. It might not be amazing in the end but it looks fantasticly watchable. Whilst i'm happy there'll be no one liners or cheesy action, i still have my fingers crossed for a 3 boobed lady cameo somewhere.
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