Posted by Miranda August 20, 2008

Sket brought to my attention Hucks latest blog post and it really is aSket brought to my attention...

Posted by Nick August 19, 2008

Our fave Gary Baseman character Creamy gets a metal makeover in this figure from Fully Visual. Our fave Gary Baseman character Creamy gets a metal makeover in this figure from Fully Visual. As with Hucks pervious release there...

Posted by Geoff August 18, 2008

Not been a big fan of Ledbetter's KFGU pieces...they've lacked a certain something. However, the Death Slugg was probably the nicest he's done and this Death Hammerhead follows in that tradition, again limited to 100 pieces. From the front it's nothing special but the blood spatter and bloody gills are a nice touch. No word on exact release date but expect to drop sometime in September or...

Posted by Nick August 16, 2008

Ok bit late on this but Mr Jarvis has been busy doing this window display for Niketown in London. It was put up last Saturday and is there for the next month celebrating the Nike Windrunner. Ok bit late on this but Mr Jarvis has been busy doing this window display for Niketown in London....


Posted by Miranda August 16, 2008

Grim reaper's been busy recently...Bernie Mac and now Mr Hayes. Had a bit of a sense of humour failure over South Park and was a Scientologist nut but all can be forgiven for one of the greatest film themes ever.



Posted by Geoff August 14, 2008

Overcoat, hat, magnifying glass, envelope. Not much else to say other than: brilliant.
Overcoat, hat, magnifying glass, envelope. Not much else to say other than: brilliant.



Posted by Ho August 14, 2008

I remember a while ago Maz teased me with a Pete Fowler x Boxfresh keyring in London! Well here's some pics of the line that is available from . I'll be popping into Boxfresh in London this weekend I hope to have a quick look to see if they have them instore :)


Posted by Miranda August 13, 2008

Been meaning to blog this for a few days, but kept forgetting about it. So this program is called Tonighly and is on channel4 at about 11pm weekdays. The show is possibly one of the worse satirical current affair shows I have ever seen! Not a patch on have I got news for you and Mock the Week, but I'm not blogging it to suggest you tune in.. Oh no. Just to show you that they are trying to...

Posted by Miranda August 13, 2008

So it seems Ho has beaten me to the post about the September KR releases, which is good cause there is only one thing I want to talk about....

Finally we can reveal that yes, we have a Dunny in Series 5.. whhoooooooaaa yyeeaahh! We had to keep this on the down low...


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