Posted by Nick August 27, 2012

Check out this incoming Andy Warhol Vinyl Collectible Doll by Japanese masters Medicom. It's about time the legendary pop artist was imortalised in vinyl form - i think he'd probably appreciate the collectible art toy world.

He might not appreciate the cartoon style of the figure, but you can't doubt the love that's gone into working it out for production and including his trademark stlye and appearance as well as nods to his artwork with the famous Banana design from the Velvet Underground album cover. Even better is in inclusion of an additional wig to recreate the feel of his famous self portrait image.

In addition to the regular colorway is a 'screen print' edition, obviously taking it's influence from the classic Marylin series of prints. My only criticism here is that somehow they managed to pick colors too similar to Shepard Fairey's Obama image and therefore the blue/red colorscheme looks a little odd. I hope they do more of these screen printed versions - Andy woulda probably liked that.

The figures will be released in October but you can pre-order them already from Project 1/6 in Japan now.



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