Posted by Trustpigs November 22, 2013

It’s been a couple of months since the debut of The Disarticulators‘ Oozeball at Superfestival 63, so it's thrilling that the general release of these sought-after beauts will finally be happening today! Designed/sculpted by Zectron and produced in a super-bouncy urethane rubber by Tru:Tek, the hugely popular Madball/Ooze-It send up will be touching down in ’open run’ editions of both “Bootleg Neon” and “OG” vintage green for $25 each, a batch of 10 in “Midnight” black again priced at $25, plus a super-limited run of custom hand rubs— available either on their own at $30, or as a set with the Deathball for $80… But that’s not all! Intentionally obscured in the promo image, there will also be a number of unique versions too, including one-off, never to be repeated colorways and custom vintage-style hand sprays. Head on over to the Man-E-Toys store now, as these wonders are already available!


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