Posted by Steve February 21, 2014

So where do I start? I got it, I got it!! What do Reet Neet and Kidrobot have in common? A 3" FatCap, duh! Kidrobot makes them and Reet Neet customized one. Ok, enough with plugging Kidrobot, Steve (that's me, talking to me, within my own blog… I may have a problem, LOL), and lets move on to who this blog is really about. So Reet Neet is this fellow from Amsterdam who does really cool customs for people. The problem is, when he does customs for people he wants them to pay for it… bummer I know, but it's worth it, I promise. "Diving Officer Brockington" is his newest custom piece that was commissioned by someone you or I probably don't know, but I'm sure they are pretty pleased with the results. If you want your own custom I suggest you email Reet Neet at If you want to check out more of his stuff follow him on Instagram @Reetneet or go to his Facebook page. The pink link (I didn't mean to make that rhyme) is where you wanna go for his Facebook page. Here's some images I had on hand of "Diving Officer Brockington"...

Kidrobot was said 3 times in total in this blog.
Reet Neet was said 6 times in total in this blog.
Just in case anyone was counting!



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