Posted by marc February 29, 2016
Clutter Magazine Editorial

One of our biggest posts of last week was Subversion, Copyright Law, & Douchebags: A Clutter Magazine Editorial, in which we shared our drama with an artist (or at least his lawyer) who tried to take down our post featuring an artist who had created similar paintings. While the former's lawyer hasn't spoken to us since the publishing of that article, the latter of the two artists has contacted us and apologized, despite the fact that he's done nothing wrong. Nicolas Amiard, whose work we featured here, also notified us that Koya Abe's lawyer will be receiving a polite reminder of the law and her rights - or lack thereof - regarding what content she can request be redacted. We'd like to thank Amiard for keeping things professional and we hope to feature more of his work in the future.

While we're at it, the Clutter team came across a lawsuit between the organizers of the San Diego Comic-Con and those of the Salt Lake Comic Con. SDCC is hassling SLCC because of their use of the term "Comic Con" in their name, claiming SDCC's trademarked name prohibits anyone else from using the phrase. This is equally ridiculous as our issues with Koya Abe. It's painfully obvious that "Comic Con" is short for "Comic Convention", which doesn't even deviate from the denotative meaning of the phrase: The event is literally a comic convention. That's like Bob's Grocery Store trying to sue Maurice's Grocery Store for using the term "Grocery Store" in its name. As a commenter in our editorial puts it, "Fuckin' humans, man..." Now we're just wondering if NEC and Hudson Soft will be suing Kanye for naming his new album Turbografx-16. Of course, if Kanye knew anything about anything, he would have named it PC-Engine, as David Horvath has suggested over the weekend.

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  • Monday, November 7, 2016 - 2:02pm
    Parra is one of my favorite artists, but I've never gotten the chance to see his work in person (other than Kidrobot's Pierced, that is).
  • Monday, October 31, 2016 - 11:27am
    I don't think I need to explain why Coarse Toys have garnered a cult following. And the German duo's illustrations are just as alluring as their toys.
  • Tuesday, September 13, 2016 - 2:03pm
    Swoon! Ever since the event was first teased, I've been wondering if Konatsu would be bringing any of her super cute watercolor illustrations to myplasticheart for her solo exhibition. Well, the above imagine indicates a firm "yes"!
leftClutter is a FREE monthly print publication covering all things Designer Toy and Sub-Culture art. Founded in 2004 in the good old United Kingdom, Clutter moved to NYC in 2009 where it continues to grow. Pick up a copy here.

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