Posted by marc July 13, 2016

Andrew Bell just dropped a ton of Android news ahead of SDCC, and hoo boy does he have us excited. First and foremost, serious collectors of the Android series will be drooling at the wooden versions of the toy, which are made of oak and maple and stand 5 inches tall. Andrew reveals that several of these have been made in the past but were given to Google employees rather than sold to collectors. SDCC fans can pick them up at the con and the rest of us schmucks can try our shot at ordering them online later this year. These are sure to be one of - if not the - rarest Androids out there.

We're also getting a sneak peek at Android Series 6, which will have a limited release at SDCC and a wide release later in the summer. The first reveal is a purple Android credited to Google. This is meant to correspond with the green, red, blue, yellow, and orange standard colorways of previous series. The big thing here, though, is that you can make out Andrea Kang's designs on the packaging and they look freakin' adorable. I purchased full cases of Series 2, 3, and 4 but skipped out on 5. So far I'm sold on 6 though!

Finally, we get a full reveal of Android enamel pins, which are based on assorted designs from past series and limited editions. You can sign me up for an OG green and a Copperbot!

Check out more Android news here | See more SDCC news here

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