The DTA Dunny custom show is one of the most prestigious custom art toy exhibitions around. Created by Clutter and Kidrobot to celebrate the huge amount of talent in the industry, and support the annual Designer Toy Awards, it always offers a visual treat.
The shows are highly curated, and often looked at as a breeding ground for new production Dunny pieces. 100% of the profits for this show go towards the Designer Toy Awards - often with artists also donating their share of the profits. The 2018 installment was presented at Five Points Festival in Brooklyn, NY, June 1 - 2, 2018!
Featured artists included: American Gross, Cat Atomic, Chauskoskis, Czee, Dima Drjuchin, DJINN & TONIC, DROLDN, Gabriel E. Carpio S. Gorgocho, Grizlli Atom, HungryGhost, HX Studio, JC Rivera, Jeff Lamm, Jeremiah Ketner, Johnny Draco, Jump Jumper Ant, Katie Gamb, Kelly Denato, Kendra THOMAS, Klav, Kyle Kirwan, Mark Nagata, Pidgin Doll, RunDMB, Seriously Silly K, & Wonder Goblin.
To celebrate, and commemorate this amazing show, we created a show guide for those people who couldn't attend. Make sure you take a look and check out the remaining pieces online here.
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