Posted by Miranda September 03, 2018
They Came From Planet Rainbow Sparkles 2: Glitter In Your Eye!

From the farthest reaches of Outer Space, beyond the Gum Gum Galaxy and the Nougat Nebula, lies a planet of Magical Sparkle Glitter. Once a year the inhabitants of the tinsel covered shiny wonder that is Planet Rainbow Sparkle invade the Clutter Gallery. 

Spreading their rainbow filled joy, they bring pleasure and wonder to the boys and girls of the Designer Toy Universe. But warning! Don't turn your back on any glittery monster, they may all look cute, but one sneeze and you'll have glitter in your eye!

Presenting the following amazing artists:
Absurdery / American Gross / Beanie Bat / Chima Group / Czee / Danny Roldan / Domenico Scalisi / Dongcheol Choi / Ears & Dears / Eimi Takano / Eloise Kim / Erica Borghstijn / Flat Bonnie / Grumble Toy / Jackie Harder / Javier Jiménez / Jay222 / Jaykishen / JCORP / Jelly Koe / Kamenthya / Katie Gamb / Kelly Denato / Kendra's Customs / KKAMoxo / Kyle Kirwan / Lisa Rae / Hansen / Little Lazies / Magda / Miss Little Zombie / Mumbot / Ngaew Ngaew / Nympheas Dolls / Petit Kokolí / Rato Kim / Remjie / Rico / TOiNZ / Sad Salesman / SaoZen / Seulgie / Simon Says Macy / Steve Ferrera / Subconscious Tails / Tasha Zimich / Teresa Chiba / The Bots / Thomas I. Rabbits / Tweedlebop / TwelveDot / Valency Genis / Vanessa Ramirez / What The Farmer / Wild Whimsy Woolies / Zard Apuya / Ziqi

All artists were assigned a color and the exhibition will be displayed as a rainbow.

CG-2018-09-RAINBOWSPARKLES2-FLYER.jpg, by Miranda

The opening reception for both shows will be free to the public and take place on Sat, Sept 8th, from 6-9pm, at Clutter Gallery in Beacon, NY.

Free beer provided by our friends at Lagunitas and Mike's Hard Lemonade, PLUS amazing Gluten-free treats from North Brooklyn Eats!! 

Sales will be first offered to our Preview list subscribers. An email will be sent out on Saturday the 8th, at 12 (noon) est, with a link to preview and purchase.

To sign up to the list please follow this link:

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leftClutter is a FREE monthly print publication covering all things Designer Toy and Sub-Culture art. Founded in 2004 in the good old United Kingdom, Clutter moved to NYC in 2009 where it continues to grow. Pick up a copy here.

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