Posted by Miranda February 18, 2011

I'm sure most people have seen the amazing work of Seymour. His art and customs are completed with care and a whole lot of love. Fun, Quirky and perfectly executed, Seymour's work is truly amazing.

The piece above is his latest work for a show in Berlin titled "The Mad Potters Tea Party", yes you guessed it, Alice in Wonderland Inspired. It's made from mixed clays and castings. Shown at the Strychin Gallery, they collaborated with UK ceramics companies to produce bases for artists to customize. Unfortunately for us this piece sold on opening night.

Below is another of Seymour's pieces but obviously on a much bigger scale. This house was made for the Koln art fair (2011). It stands at about 1.8m and is fully hand made, with functioning lights. It looks amazing, like you would see something new every time you look.

Check out more awesome pics here:



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