Posted by Trustpigs August 15, 2012

We've all heard the tales, the grueling series of initiations that one must undertake in order to join a secret society: blindfolded, stripped down to your skivvies, a red hot poker branding you forever; ordeals you must partake in to prove your dedication, membership being a lifelong commitment. Well, possibly unbeknownst to you, fantastic manufacturer Super7 has their own secret society, though entrance into it's sacred ranks is fairly easy: between August 30th and September 6th, 2012, the passage will be opened to new members… and all it will cost you is the $125 admission fee for one year.

But, just like a traditional secret society, membership is accompanied by many benefits: not the least of which is three Super Seven Secret Society (SSSS) Exclusive designer toys and one SSSS Exclusive t-shirt. You'll also receive a Welcome Kit, access to SSSS Exclusive designer toy editions, early access to all Super7 toy editions (including Event Exclusives), sneak peeks of upcoming releases before anyone else, coded messages to decipher, SSSS Exclusive Forum access and "additional SSSSecrets."


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