Posted by Miranda July 15, 2008
I just wanted to blog about how great the new Alkaline Trio album Agony & Irony is. I am a huge trio fan, and am always worried by a new album from any band.... I mean what if I don't like it! The trio, of course, don't disappoint. Whilst it's not quite as dark as sometime expected, there last few albums have departed somewhat from that original sound, the macabre is still in abundance, of course.

Not only is the album a corker (or awesome for our American readers ;) lol Chonny), the version I brought was a nice book set. A hard back book with lyrics, photos and two disks (one containing some acoustic numbers). This version is a little more expensive than the standard edition, but its worth that couple of extra quid. I have no problem with bands releasing an album in different formats and version, because at the time of release you have a choice. What really gets on my wick is when bands re-release an album with extra tracks. I can understand why its done (money of course), but that doesn't mean its fair on the loyal fans... just save those tracks and release a rarities album. Hmm I think I should stop now, before i get on my high horse again hahahah...

So yeh go and buy this album, its rocking...


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  • Friday, September 23, 2016 - 12:54pm
    If anything, Every Time I Die are a punctual band. You can expect a new album from them every other year, with several tours in between.
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  • Thursday, August 25, 2016 - 2:03pm
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