30 May 2008

Fatcap Series 2 is released today! This one is Sket's chase figure (pic stolen from myspace), and i think its dope!...

01 May 2008

Just want to big up Peskimo on the up coming release of their mini series with Kidrobot, BambooZoo....

15 April 2008

Awoke this morning to a delightful little package on the doorstep from KR. Inside was the newest April drop, the Zombie Pet Dunny by Argentinean Patricio Oliver. The figure is a gentle...
18 December 2007

As you know we love it when Mr Post man delivers us boxes of goodies, and this week has proven to be a good one. First up we received these green flocked labbits, courtesy of Nichole and KR. Very...

20 November 2007

So it's been a few days...but y'know with the Buka show and whatnot the Clutter team have been nursing hangovers, emtpy wallets and hiding due to embarassing photos!

Anyhow - picked this up...

12 October 2007

We really love it when UPS arrive and bring us parcels, and today was a good day because our UPS man Dave (may, or may not, be his real name) brought us a Kidrobot parcel. Yey. As you can see we...

07 October 2007

So the big Circa opening happened with the usual KR crew, Mist, TILT, MAD, Sket. But why oh why was one of the Cheeky Girls invited? Times must be tough for the poor lass - from Pop Idol to being...

27 September 2007

I really like the idea of a big plush labbit but maybe the orifice is a step too far...

Owners of this new 24" plush Labbit by Kozik and Switcheroo might want to...
15 May 2008

A lot of people may remember SDCC and the promise of a Joe Ledbetter production Labbit that got pulled at the very last minute due to QC issues. Many people figured they'd all been scrapped...

29 April 2008

NYCC Post 2... 7 Deadly Sins...
29 January 2008

Not posted a custom in a while - mainly because I haven't found many that truly had a "wow!" factor. Until now.



05 December 2007

As the holiday season rolls around, people feel much more giving and want to spread holiday cheer. Huge thank you's to Shannon at Kid Robot for a package that certainly brought a smile to my face...

25 October 2007

I just pinched this pic from Paul Budnitz blog (thanks to Klim for pointing it out), and had to post it here. Ok so mainly because it’s pink and sparkly, but what can i say i am a magpie, and i...

12 October 2007

So it's that time of year again, Turkeys are getting nervous, the fatman is making a list (and checking it twice) and KR launch their Christmas themed Dunny. Only this year they've pulled a new...

02 October 2007

So i was in London on Thursday, seeing Coheed and Cambria (but I’ll blog that separately) and behold what do i find but a pair of rocking DC's!! I know that those of you who know me, will also...

22 September 2007

A little stroll around the KR forums led me to these pics of some fantastic new designs from Junko Mizuno. Seems they are expanding the clothing line to include more gender specific items, my...

01 May 2008

So it seems i always end up spotting these little gems on my daily rounds of shit TV. This time Neighbours shocks me by using fake toys as set dressing!...

29 April 2008
(From Left to right: Geoff "main man" Whitehouse, Nick "co-owner" Carroll, Ginny "I've come for the booze" O'Shea, Kirsty "drinks til...
04 January 2008

 Some sneaks were shown of there figures from this series a couple of months back and now they're official - due out middle of January. They've definitely got a younger feel to them...

29 November 2007

How awesome are these? You can now even be Kidroboted out in your sleep! $125 available soon. kidrobot.com


18 October 2007

I swore I wasn't going to blog this because really critiquing bad hoody design is like shooing fish in a barrel. That was until I saw the Oki Dunny and Hoody in this morning's Metro newspaper (for...

11 October 2007

Figured i'd do my duty and post the November releases fresh from the Kidrobot forum. Bit of a disappointing month in my opinion. Liking the Keychain series 3 with its baby brother vibe tho....

02 October 2007

Saw this pic over on Vinylpulse and although it's pretty obvious what's actually happening I did at first wonder if this poor individual was so upset by the case layout that she'd taken...

11 September 2007

Just wanted to do a quick post to say how much i  love Huck's Akuma figures, i need them both :) Limited to 500 pieces. I also love this holiday Dunny, although it does depress me to see christmas...


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leftClutter is a FREE monthly print publication covering all things Designer Toy and Sub-Culture art. Founded in 2004 in the good old United Kingdom, Clutter moved to NYC in 2009 where it continues to grow. Pick up a copy here.

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