08 September 2008


This one's come straight out of left field - posted on Raymond's blog are two teaser flyers for a new 10" toys by Kozik - Toyer-Z and Toyer Enemy due for...
03 September 2008

Baseman's ChouChou character is finally making the jump to vinyl via Japan's intheyellow. That means soft JP vinyl and superb QC...as well as a number of colourways. I'...

29 August 2008
In order to commemorate the release of the 10" DIY MadL, Delicious Drips will be hosting its first ever vinyl toy competition: ME MadL.
22 August 2008

So I have been a bit slacking in posting the things we have been sent on here. Its my bad, things have just been a bit of a nightmare recently, but now I'm back on the ball....

14 August 2008

Overcoat, hat, magnifying glass, envelope. Not much else to say other than: brilliant.


13 August 2008

Not liking to miss out, I'd thought I'd join in the fun and post this custom sharkey by Rebel Wookiee. Looks f'ing awesome!...

12 August 2008

As promised updates as and when I find more pics! Here we've got the always good Jeremiah Ketner using his usual muted palatte to great effect. Love this piece...oh to live in NYC lol!! Then there...

05 August 2008

In a depart from 'art toys' (nothing new for Kidrobot, some might say), the Simpsons figures that they are producing seem to have caused quite a stir....

04 September 2008

Our dunny is now available to purchase from the clutter shop priced at £5 signed by both myself and Nick-er-less. We don't...

03 September 2008


Releasing in 3 days time is the latest Kun figure from Bounty Hunter. This one fuses the vague Kun shape/stance with what looks like a mash up of the old...
27 August 2008

 Buff Monster releases a new web exclusive figure today!! The 3" figure is limited to just 100 and will set you back $30 + P&P.; The figures fo on...

19 August 2008

Our fave Gary Baseman character Creamy gets a metal makeover in this figure from Fully Visual. Our fave...

13 August 2008

So it seems Ho has beaten me to the post about the September KR releases, which is good cause there is only one thing I want to talk about....


13 August 2008

Following on from Geoff's posts of Sharky customs that are joining the Toyqube 4th Anniversary Party here's a couple more!

Lou Pimentel never fails to impress me with his...

08 August 2008

 To mark MINDSstyle's new LIFEstyle space in Hong Kong that's opening later this month and of course some little event happeneing in Beijing MINDstyle is releasing three limited edition figures at...

05 August 2008

This Saturday, Jon Burgerman is having a clearout. Its all happening at stand assembly studios, unit 3, the Factory, in Nottingham....

03 September 2008


These are so cute that we just had to pick up a case to go with my newly purchased print!! Just missing Mo and the Black Daruma! Each and every one of these...
29 August 2008
Big thanks to Kill, who sent us one his Kaiju figures through the post. As i may have mentioned previously I am a big (but clueless) fan of Kaiju and the fact that...
25 August 2008

Peeped on Skullbrain.....holy crap....Martin's got chubby and bought a new grey Silas jumper!! Edit: This is celebrating the Silas and Maria 10 year anniversary. Orange is general...

18 August 2008

Not been a big fan of Ledbetter's KFGU pieces...they've lacked a certain something. However, the Death Slugg was probably the nicest he's done and this Death Hammerhead follows in that tradition,...

13 August 2008

 First up is Dunny Series 5, 19 dunnys in total with collabs including Amanda Visell (far right), Aya Kakeda, Clutter, Devilrobots, Dirty Donny...

12 August 2008

Quick update - here's a pic of the entire series plus outlines of the 3 chases. Still not sure about these as figures as some of the characters don't really work for me but Duff Man rules hard!!...

06 August 2008

Mr Gee just keeps on churning out the killer customs. Seriously, does he sleep? Everyone already knows Huck's customs are sublime both in design and execution and this latest creation "The Golden...

05 August 2008

Ashley Wood has just dropped some photos of the umpcoming Bramble figure - following hot on the heels of Bertie and Nom de Plume and due to drop in the autumn. The version pictured here is a...


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