I love Mr Clement's work and I'm a huge, huge fan of his Common Lapin character, owning two of the orignal handmade versi
I love Mr Clement's work and I'm a huge, huge fan of his Common Lapin character, owning two of the orignal handmade versions. His 'production' version of the Lapin has been a huge success with the original releases, the black limited edition and finally the Astronaut Lapin.
This latest release see the classic shape revisisted, this time as a flocked variant. This comes in three colours - white, black and grey - each limited to 150 pieces. These retail for £13 each, or £39 for the set and come with a moveable scarf and enevelope - the signifcance of which you'll know if you've read his "Gorgeous Harbour" comic
These are sure to sell out fast so visit here to pre-order http://www.mrclement.com/2008shopPetitlcommonlapin.htm
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