Posted by Miranda December 22, 2010

The big day is nearly upon us, and right now I'm staring at 7" of snow wondering if we will get back to the states until, maybe, March. Anyway to keep the Holiday mood high, lets continue with the Christmas Interviews... Next up the Awesome Bwana Spoons!!

C: What would you like to find under the tree this year?

I'll have a new custom 26 bmx under my tree, but that's from me to me.

I would highly recommend buying something from the small shops that are still open... in SF and a different general store in LA and of course grass hut in portland who wouldn't want og art under the tree.

C: What wares could your fans hope to be delivered by the big red guy?

B: Stuff I'm hawking personally would have been the blind boxes I made, but they sold out.

Nothing new til january and feb when root beer randall, another grass hut pocket pak, and the first release of the sloth come out. I'm away from home right now so I don't have pics of anything. I would just recommend that people sign up and play on the grass hut forums that we just got going.

C: What excites you about 2011?

2011 I'm looking forward to moving grass hut over one door and getting some street presence again and plants back in gh. hiking, riding bikes, swimming, road tripping with a few grass hut buddies to san diego, traveling to a few new places- maybe taiwan and canada and maybe maybe easter island. I'm about to go sand dollar hunting right now with my daughter at ocean beach in SF so I'm really looking forward to that too.

Thanks Bwana, have an awesome holiday!!!

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