JamFactory does it again! After the astounding success of the Droplets series, designer Gavin Strange decided to explore much deeper into the world or weather to research this latest figure series, made in collaboration with Crazylabel. You can see the origins of this cute lil series of minifigures after the jump...
As you can see, on a rare sunny day in the UK, Gavin got on his fixie and bombed over to Filton Weather Station to meet meteorologists to aid and guide his research and development of the Windlets. And to replicate the success of the Droplet 2 launch, Gavin has once again asked customisers from all over the world to produce a custom Windlet. That means the likes of Alittlestranger, Triclops, Phil Corbett, Tado, Okkle, 64colors, John Paul Kaiser, Peskimo, Matt Jones and so many many more! And we'll have coverage of the Windlet launch in the next issue of Clutter as well as online!
You can already get your hands on the Windlets! Visit http://store.jam-factory.com
Ok i guess i have to write that this is an awesome April Fool from Gav, such attention to detail and dedication to make the video as awesome as it can be. Already bought some Windlets? Then be happy that your money will be donated to charity :)
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