"A vegan cooking show from the Abyss" is how the Vegan Black Metal Chef describes his YouTube channel. While looking for some cool vegan recipes on YouTube, I came across a true necro warrior, one who mades kick ass vegan food the true Nordic Black Metal way; Vegan Black Metal Chef. With his mighty axe, VBMC sacrifices vegetables & tofu on an alter adorned with pentagrams and candles, all while looking oh-so necro in corpse paint and spikes. The kitchen where he hails the mighty SEITAN is lighted by the flame of candles melted upon the skulls of fallen Hair Metal fans and possesses true black metal cabinets of studded pleather. As he smashes garlic with a spiked mace, VBMC growls out commands & instructions to "MAAAAKKKKE THE DAAALLLL!!!!" while unrelenting tremolo guitars & blast beats pound mercilessly in the background. Vegan Black Metal Chef isn't too evil, he's just a metal dude from Florida who doesn't eat animal products. Yes, he loves Black Metal, but he's not about to burn any churches or murder anyone. Some of my favorite VBMC episodes are Holiday Hell Roast, Hail Seitan, and Blackest of the Black Beans where he "SKINS THE PLANTAINS ALIIIIIVE!!". All of the music in the videos is written and preformed by Vegan Black Metal Chef himself! You can watch all of his necro yet healthy videos on his YouTube channel and pick up cooking tips, recipes and the Vegan Black Metal Chef soundtrack on his website. HAILS!!!
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