Posted by marc December 28, 2015
Uglydolls UglyCon Cermamics Art

Uglydolls' UglyCon 2015 took place in Seoul, which meant most of us Western folk couldn't attend. But that doesn't mean you can't have a piece of the show residing proudly on your shelf. Fifty Fifty has a variety of the art featured in the con up for sale. Of particular interest are the ceramic pieces, produced in partnership with Toinz, a Korean toy art studio. These guys are adorable and the ceramic medium is unmistakable. That might make it sound like these would be outside the budget for some fans, but most of the pieces ring in around 35,000 Korean won which equates to about only $30. Not too bad. We're hoping to see ceramics get more of a foothold in the coming years. In the meantime, check out the gallery below.


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